July 7, 2013

CULTURA EDTECH new group 01 August

What's CULTURA EDTECH? It's an online course for EFL and ESL teachers worldwide.

How is it different from other courses? It's a 3-month course aimed at helping teachers reflect about technology integration.

The groups are generally small so that we can build a community of teachers who can learn together. 

Are you an experienced teacher but don't feel comfortable with the digital tools  and apps available nowadays? This might be an interesting course for you, where you can get all the support you need.

 We've already had students from different parts of Brazil, as well as from England, the U.S., Spain and Japan. Apart from living the experience of learning online you'll learn how to use different online platforms which could be used with your own students.

 For more info http://culturaedtech.wikispaces.com/ABOUT+THE+COURSE

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