As I watched
Graham´s presentation about
Web 2.o and Language learning I noticed a great way to enrich your powerpoint presentations with pictures and customized text. Instead of using those boring templates people are used to seeing, grab an image from one of the sites I´m going to suggest and add the text you wish to have on your slide.
GLASSGIANT.COM is a site where you can create texts on the cover of a book, on a box of cereal, a wanted poster and so on.This is a hollywood sign in which I used the word "imagination". is another tool you can use for the personalizing texts like the one above.YOu can create texts in the form of signs, tatoos, t-shirts, fortune cookies ...
SIGNGENERATOR.ORG is a site with endless possibilities for creating texts in various images: palm of a hand, hollywood sing, famous star sidewalk, message in a bottle, astronaut message...
SIGNGENERATOR.NET is another site with various images: signs, a bus sign, door sign, hotel sign ...
Another possibility is to add captions to your own pictures and use them in your presentation. The comic strip below was made using
is a very cool site to make comics you can use as images in your presentations. Worth a try!