September 26, 2015

Flipping the Learning Experience

If you attended my talk during FAAPI 2015 in Cordoba, Argentina, you might be interested in exploring the links shared.

These are the slides I used

These are some of the links mentioned and used:


BERGMAN, J.; SAMS, A. (2012) Flip your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day. International Society for Technology in Education, USA.

BISHOP, J. L.; VERLEGER, M. A. (2013) The Flipped Classroom: A Survey of the Research. American Society for Engineering Education. Available at

GUO, P. (2013) Optimal Video Length for Student Engagement. Available at

PRINCE, M. (2004) Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research. In Journal of Engineering Education, 93(3), p. 223-231. Available at

Some photos taken during the conference


  1. Hi!! I loved being in your talk!!! I have never imagined what a flipped classroom was until you mentioned; I thought it was like "blended learning". So... thanks a million for what you taught!
    Tons of smiles, Maria :)

    1. Thank you so much for the comment and the great company, dear Maria.

    2. Thank you so much for the comment and the great company, dear Maria.
