In this world of snapshots and selfies, I find myself many times overlooking little things in life which brighten my day. While reading my Facebook feed, I noticed a link my friend, Daniela Pesconi-Arthur shared about the 365 GRATEFUL PROJECT. I just loved it!
The idea is pretty simple: you take a photo a day of something you're grateful for.
According to the 365grateful website,
"The project was created by Hailey. In early 2008, in an effort to fight depression, Hailey started a year long photographic project which involved taking one Polaroid photo a day of something she felt grateful for. Initially this was a chore but eventually it became a delight."Watch Hailey's inspiring video:
My friend, Daniela, has started her #365grateful project here:
I'll be posting my photos and posts using instagram plus the hashtag #365grateful and will be collecting them all at my Tumblr
This was my first photo
Wouldn't this be a great idea for a writing project with students?
Coincidentally, this same week, I read a post by Vicki Davis about writing a Joy Journal which kinds of reinforces this idea of being positive about life.
Hey Ana! I'm glad you liked it! It's really cool and keeps me looking around for beautiful things, moments, love, compassion and kindness in people... you know, those little miracles that happen around us all tge time that sometimes we're too "bl8nd" to see! A big hug!