August 31, 2013

30 Goals Challenge Interview

This last week, I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by dear Shelly Terrell for the 30 GOALS CHALLENGE round of interviews with participants.

Like Shelly said in her blog Teacher Reboot Camp

Each week ( I think), Shelly interviews one of the participants (past and current) of the 30 Goals Challenge about various topics and close to the end of the interview, the interviewee recommends the next person to be interviewed. I was tagged by my friend Roseli Serra, another admirable educator from Recife Brazil. Our interview was about Edtech, mobile learning and life in general.

Conquering Fears- Edtech and Life: Interview with @anamariacult #30GoalsEDU

 I'd like to thank Shelly one more time for taking her time to talk to educators around the globe and for helping us, interviewees, feel so at ease.

She also included a slideshow I created last year when we met in Brazil.

 Meeting Shelly on PhotoPeach

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