February 22, 2013

Wordcloud + Puzzle Maker

Reading Janet Bianchini's lovely blog this afternoon, I learned about an interesting tool which lets you create interactive puzzles which can be embeddable on webpages or even shared in facebook and twitter. http://www.jigsawplanet.com/

Janet posted a puzzle of a wordcloud with internet words.
Janet, I have to tell you I tried hard but wasn't able to beat your time.

This is my wordcloud

And  below is the puzzle which I've just shared with my students in our EDMODO group. As the puzzle has a time counter, you can also use it on an IWB having different groups try to assemble the puzzle faster. In order to play, click on the SETTINGS icon below the image, click SCATTER and let's see how fast you can go.

To make the wordcloud I used http://www.abcya.com/word_clouds.htm
And to make the puzzle, I tried http://www.jigsawplanet.com/

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much dear Ana Maria for mentioning my blog post! I've enjoyed reading how you have used Jigsaw Planet puzzles. I couldn't resist having a go at doing your fab puzzle, and I completed it in 36 seconds.

    Jigsaw Planet is indeed a fun tool to use. I like it very much because it is easily embedded into blogs or wikis as in your example above.

    Warm wishes from Janet
