September 11, 2011

Using EDMODO with Students: 20 IDEAS

I've been using EDMODO for some years now and every year I discover different things you can develop with students using the platform. I work at Cultura Inglesa Uberlândia and the coordination team has managed to involve the whole staff in using EDMODO as our virtual staff room, a space where we share material we've prepared, ask each other questions, help each other and so on. It's become a bank of resources to the whole school.

Last week, at our TDC (Teacher Development Course) I decided to talk about other interesting ways to use Edmodo with students. Now that most teachers are fairly familiar with the platform, it is a logical step to take advantage of all of its potential for language learning.

This is the presentation I shared with the teachers:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi LIFEFEAST, I am about to use Edmodo in my class of young teens and this presentation was an excellent guide to what I can do with the LMS-platform. Thanks for your ingenious ppp and I promise to send you on some feedback once my edmodo page has been going for a few weeks. I have a blog that you can also comment on what else I am doing: all the best

  3. Hi,David. Great you found the presentation helpful. I've just visited your blog and loved your post about motivation so much that I've bookmarked it and shared via twitter. Loved the story you shared.

  4. Fantastic! I am going to use it for my reading club! :) Thank you so very much!
