September 3, 2011

CULTURA EDTECH - new group starts in September

Dear Life Feast readers,

In 2009, as some colleagues of mine were asking me to share what I'd been learning online with them, I also noticed separate workshops would not be enough to help non-techy teachers get acquainted with webtools and their potential in education.
For this reason, I created CULTURA EDTECH, an online course which has already helped the development of more than 60 teachers, not only from Brazil, but from the USA, France and Spain.

I have the pleasure to announce the start of GROUP #8 which will be taking the course from September to November. During these three months, teachers will have the chance to experience learning using internet tools, be contact with other EDtech members, participate in virtual classes, take part in discussions, read interesting articles, learn about interesting webtools and reflect about the integration of technology and education.

How is CULTURA EDTECH different from other online courses?

  • The pace of activities is gentle enough to meet the needs of busy teachers 
  • There are several tutorials giving step-by-step instructions. 
  • The facilitator (me, Ana Maria Menezes) gives full support to participants via skype and screencasts if needed.
  • Participants become a member of a community of teachers which constantly share ideas.
  • Participants will have the chance to try out webtools with all the guidance needed.

Listen to what some of the CULTURA EDTECH members have to say:
 Check out their COURSE PORTFOLIOS
 More information about the course, can be found at ABOUT THE COURSE page.

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