July 25, 2011

Webinar: Reform Symposium #rscon3

This weekend, teachers all over the world have a great chance to listen to outstanding teachers during 3 days FOR FREE! I have already chosen the sessions I'd like to attend, have you?.
July 29, 30 and 31

This is the SCHEDULE . Choose your time zone and check the sessions you can attend.

Check the PRESENTERS. (Carla Arena, Bruno Andrade, CecĂ­lia Lemos, Shelly Terrell, Janet Bianchini , David Deubelbeiss and many other teachers)

You can REGISTER here.

Don't miss this great opportunity of professional development!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ana Maria

    Thank you so much for mentioning me in your blog post. I'm very excited about attending the conference and learning from other educators. It promises to be a great social and educational event.

    See you there :-)
