August 20, 2010

Webtools to enhance LISTENING

This afternoon, I presented a session about sites to help students improve their listening skills to a group of teachers.
These are the sites I selected for the talk.

Webtools to Enhance Listening


  1. Great list, Ana Maria. Thanks for sharing! My students always feel glad when I suggest tools for listening.

    You probablty know of many other tools and had to select just a few to present, but here are two that I particularly enjoy a lot: and (from our webhead friend Michael Marzio).


  2. Txs for the comment, Ronaldo. Yes, it's true I had to select the ones to present. Elllo is my favourite too, in fact we use it all the time at Cultura. :)And thanks for the Real-english link. I'm having a look at their videos again.I love those when they ask the same questions to many people in the streets.
