June 15, 2010


A friend of mine, Geórgia, this week showed me a tool I had forgotten about, ZOOMWORDS. She had made a list of words for our students to revise and used the ZOOMWORDS application from BLIXY.COM.

Create your word widget and more at Blixy.com!

This is how I used it:
  1. I told my students I would show them a list words they would have to copy for 2 minutes. 
  2. I used the clock counter in our IWB to set the time limit and showed the ZOOMWORD above which I had embedded in a blog.
  3. Students had 2 minutes to write down in their notebooks as many words as they could.
  4. When time was over, we checked how many words they had been able to copy and then asked them to check if they knew all the words in their list. Students asked me to explain the words they didn't remember but I always repeated the questions for the other students to try to explain.
  5. IN PAIRS, students gave definitions of words from their list for the other student to guess what word it was.
Why I liked the activity? Students were really involved, it was a fun way to revise, it called students' attention to the fact that they need to study vocabulary a bit more, good way to help them recap vocabulary we had studied the previous month.


  1. Hello Ana,

    I love coming here because I usually learn something new. I have a very curious mind! I'll try zoomwords out, I loved the layout and the fact that you can embed on a class blog. I believe it to be great to review phrasal verbs or idioms. Thank you!

  2. I love these little tools you can embed in blogs and have forever. I also love the idea of using them to revise vocabulary, to brainstorm, to predict... they are great!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great tool and resourcel task, Ana!
    Thanks! I'll use it in my classes.
    Marisa (@Mtranslator)

  4. Thank you , Dani, Cristina and Marisa, for your comments. It's a pleasure to share.

  5. Hi Ana

    Thank you so much for sharing this post. I was inspired to do an activity on Blixy and have just posted it, with a special mention included to you.

    Best wishes

