April 10, 2010

My E-BOOK - WEBTOOLS = ferramentas de internet

In 2009, I started collecting webtools which I thought were very useful to language teachers in general and decided to share what I´ve been reading and trying out through a book. The reason I wrote in Portuguese is that there are various language teachers in Brazil , who teach languages other than English, and haven´t heard of the wonderful tools which could provide further learning opportunities to students.

I collected 20 webtools I´ve already tried , described them, provided links to examples and gave examples of how the tools can be used in the classroom.

I´d like to thank the various teachers who have authorized the links to their blogs and work:

  • José Picardo
  • Alexandra Francisco
  • Nik Peachey
  • David Deubeldeiss
  • Dennis Oliver
  • Ian James
  • Sue Waters
  • Bob Palmer
  • Mary Hillis
  • Mary Beth Hertz



  1. Uau Ana What an AWESOME e-book! I love it! Will be sure to share it with everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!

  2. WOW!! This is a fantastic ebook about Web-Tools..Congrats! Portuguese teachers are surely lucky to have someone like who created such a thoughtful project for all of them. It is also very inspiring and encouraging for me as I've been thinking of creating something in Arabic but never thought of an ebook..

    Way to go Ana :)

  3. Hi Ana,

    Just fantastic. I loved your e-book. I will certainly bookmark and share it.

  4. Thanks for the comments, Alex,Buthaina and José Antônio. Hope it can be useful to Brazilian teachers.

  5. Ana Maria,

    As always, a very teacher friendly post/product! It is practical and will help a lot of teachers. Thanks for mentioning my own voicethreads - I'm honored so many have visited them and practiced English.


  6. Ana,

    Congratulations on the careful and thorough work about wetools for education. I'm sure this will be very useful to many teachers, so it will be my pleasure to help you advertise it. I'll tweet about it right away!


  7. Hello Ana,

    I loved the work you've done! I used to work for The Sequoia Foundation. They have an amazing project in Rio De Janeiro with public schools. Some of the schools they are at take part in a federal program A Laptop per student. May I send your e-book for them? I believe they would benefit from it and so would the students.
    Congratulations and cheers!

  8. Aninha,

    Fancy Shmancy :-)))

    Thank you for sharing such wonderful webtools with all of us readers of LIFE FEAST. I really liked the way you organized it showing the tools and how we can use them with our students. Way to go! Thanks for always sharing :-))



  9. Hi again Ana,

    I wrote a blog post on your e-book. Kelly Tenkely left a comment on it asking if there's was a way to translate it to English. :)
    Please do consider it. Your e-book is wonderful and having an english version of it would be a way to reach even more educators! :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dear readers,
    Thank you very much for the lovely comments.
    Feel free to share the link to the e-book with any teacher or institution you think might benefit from it.
    And, yes, I'm starting the English version right away. :)

  12. I loved your whole book. It's clear and full of useful tool. Thanks for sharing it with us. Everybody at school has downloaded it.

  13. Thanks, Roberta. It was great to have you with us in wiziq today.
    Hope your teachers enjoy the book.

  14. Congratulations for creating an excellent book! Your teachers will love it. --Jane

  15. Gerson3:55 AM

    Dear Ana,

    Great work...I need to reference your work for a uni assignment and was wondering when you published it.

    Thanks for teaching me some...


  16. Dear Gerson,

    I published my e-book online in April 2010. It´s brand new. Great you´ll be able to use some of the ideas for your assignment.

  17. Great job, Anamaria
    I liked the descriptions, the organized material, the classroom possible use, etc.

    stella (from Argentina)
