December 25, 2009

Visit Zarco English - fantastic source of practical ideas

I´d like to dedicate my post today to a very talented Portuguese teacher called Alexandra Francisco who started blogging in 2008. Although she says she´s not tech savvy, I dare deny her after seeing her work and reading her great posts.

  • She shares webtools she discovers in her great blog written in Portuguese TOOLS OF THE DAY.

  • She has created a great example of a STUDENT SHOWCASE BLOG sharing projects her students have developed so far.
 Isn´t she something? She´s shared it all, the tools, the assignments and practical examples of what her students have been producing. 

Click on the image for the ZarcoEnglish site.


  1. Uau Ana...Thank you! I am head over heels! You are one of my mentors, so I am tremendously honoured that you think my work is worth reading. Thank you for this wonderful christmas present! :)

  2. Dear Alex,

    You fully deserve it. :)
    By the way, do you have a twitter account? I'd love to follow you.

  3. Hi Ana,
    Again, thank you.:)
    No, I haven't had the nerve to create an account on twitter. :S I know it has great potential and that I'm missing out on many chances to participate in wonderful things, like #edchat for instance, but to be honest, I never thought people would be interested in following what I'd have to say/share. However I do follow others on there, you included :)
    I know you're a Diigo girl yourself, and yes, I follow you on there too (am feeling almost stalker like right now ;)). But, If you'd like to know more about my web findings, please feel free to check my Delicious bookmarks. I pretty much save everything I find in my Delicious account. I'm on there.
    By the way, are you still on "Around the world with 80 schools"? What about a skype conference between our classes? :)
    Looking forward to collaborating with you.
    All the best!
