December 6, 2009

Live Typing

This certainly looks cool!!! As you type in a text, the site records your typing. After you end the text, you can grab a link, save it, or grab the embed code.

A trial:

Hello, my name is Ana Maria Menezes and Im about

How can I use this tool with students?

  • As you can choose the typing speed (the speed the text appears in the box), I guess you can type in a text and ask sts to practise reading aloud.
  • You can type in a text and then ask students questions about it.
  • Students can create their own texts using target structure and then publish them in a class blog.
  • The whole class can create a collective story, each student typing a part of the story, and then click to generate the final result. 
Any other ideas? Share your ideas in the comment area, I'd love to hear from you.


  1. Susana Canelo, an e-friend, suggested an interesting activity via facebook:

    "You can start a sentence and ask your students to finish it. It can be very simple:
    My dog is so ...
    Then they delete the last word and add their own.
    We'll see a kind of animation and the sentence changing !!!"

  2. Hi Ana,

    I love your suggestions,thanks for sharing! Check my suggestion on my blog .

  3. Dani, great suggested activity for live typing. Thanks for the idea.

  4. Dani, great suggested activity for live typing. Thanks for the idea.
