November 17, 2009

Fairy Tales and Lívia Fernandes

Let me talk about a colleague of mine I really admire, Lívia Fernandes. Not only is she a talented EFL teacher but she also finds time and energy for her second love (or first?), photography.

What I like about her photos? They're creative, innovative, colourful, energetic ...

These are some slideshows of two of her projects. The first one is called "Conto100fadas" and she deconstructs Famous Fairy Tales such as "Little Red Riding Hood", "Alice" and others.

The second project she created for Halloween.

You can find more of her photos at

or at her blog Atellie Fotografia.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh

    I can't find the best words to say how happy I feel with these things you've done quoting my work.

    We all know Life Feast is a success and it never ceases to amaze me because you always find the most creative and smart things on the web to help teachers all over the world and it's a huge pleasure to see my name among these great links.

    Keep the good tips.
    And once again, thank you!

    Lívia :)
