October 6, 2009

Teacher Training Videos

These are wonderful teacher training videos I'd like to share with you.

"An innovative offering from the Office of English Language Programs, Shaping the Way We Teach English, is a 14-module teacher training video series developed and produced in cooperation with the University of Oregon. "

This is module 1 - Contextualizing language

I really like module 4 - Pair and group work

Check out other modules:


  1. Hi, Anna!
    I'll take some time to watch all these videos. I've just started Peer Observation and it seems to be great.
    I've started reading the book Advising and Supporting Teachers and I confess that it's been quite a hard task. It seems that the video will help me understand the book better.

  2. Great you liked the videos, they're very helpful because you can actually see the teachers working.
