July 19, 2008

BRAZ-TESOL 2008 Fortaleza

Braz-tesol conference took place between 14-17 July in Fortaleza. Several speakers from Brazil and abroad shared experience, presented research and made contacts.

A highlight for me was the Edutech Sig meeting on 14 July where I was able to meet e-friends I had never met f2f: Ana Falcão, Bee Dieu, Jose Antonio and Graham Stanley. We had a great time hugging each other, taking pictures, listening to what they had to say and experiencing the wonders of live broadcasting with UStream. Graham had his laptop recording the full session and both speakers and participants were able to interact with online participants. Can you imagine how happy I was when I heard Carla Arena, Illya, Nina and other LWCers were actually following us (watching us and hearing us)?

You can have a look at the recording of the session at http://www.ustream.tv/bcgstanley/videos

Webcast powered by Ustream.TV

Another great moment for me was my own session “BLOG TALKS” where I shared blog projects I have developed in the last 2 years since I joined the Learning With Computers Community. In spite of the deafening sound of someone pounding on the wall which interrupted me for some time, the objective of sharing was accomplished. I had also created A BLOG to share with participants instead of providing a hand-out (saving trees); idea copied from Carla Arena and Erika´s session 2 years ago “Connect to Interact”.

I´ve also included pictures taken during the session and the slides I used during the session with audio narration. Hope you like it!

I´d also like to thank all twitterers who followed and gave me support before, during and after my session. It´s great to see how warm and supportive people can be.


  1. Hi Ana Maria
    It was fun to join you, and it sounded like you all had a great time together.
    Thanks for sharing the slides :-)

  2. Illya,

    It sure was great fun being together and even more amazing to have been part of the Ustream recording.


  3. Hi Ana Maria,
    Thanks for sharing your experiences from the conference! I really loved your Blog Talks blog; congratulations on such a great job! I hope that someday I'll have a chance to meet you f2f too.


  4. Yes, Mary.

    I´d really like to meet other LWC members and I believe with all these worldwide conferences and opportunities I believe someday we will actually meet. Will you have the chance to meet the girls who are going to Worldcall in Japan?

