February 8, 2008

My TWITTER experience

Twitter is used for microblogging and what is that? People write what they are doing at the moment in a maximum of 140 words. Not only do people write what they´re doing but they post questions and even reply to their friends. I decided to record my trip to argentina in TWITTER as I travelled and I´ve been told that lots of people enjoyed following my adventure. Mary Hillis an e-colleague (have I coined a term? guess not) from Japan has done a survey in twitter recently and this is another usage people are discovering for twitter.

What I like about twitter?
  • I like the speed.
  • I like the fact that you´re not expected to write a masterpiece but only something short.
  • I like the asynchronous interaction it establishes.
You can also add a twitter widget to your blog so that your readers can follow what you´re doing and that´s what I´ve just added to my sidebar "What am I doing?". You can get a twitter widget for your own blog at http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/twidget
after you have a twitter account.


  1. Ana Maria,

    In fact, Twitter has been a wonderful learning journey! I could follow your trip to Argentina, I can learn about new tools, classroom ideas, blog posts in such a fast, engaging way. You can be part of conversations or just decide to be a listener. It's powerful. There are a new class of people who are not calling themselves bloggers, but microbloggers!

    The other day I just blogged some reflections on the power of microblogging, which is a complement to what you wrote!

    Great to be connected to you through blogging and microblogging!

  2. Hi Ana,

    I'm still taking my first steps into Twitter, but I hope it will be as useful for me as it was for you.

    Thanks for the tips and everything.


  3. Oí, Ana Maria.

    I like Twitter, too, but sometimes I feel a little ill at ease because I don't "twit" every day. Even so, I find it very useful for keeping up with what friends and colleagues are doing: it helps me see another dimension of their lives and also gives me ideas for new applications and resources to explore. In addition, it helps me realize that much of what I do online is enjoyable, but also very time-consuming. I think there's a lesson for me there!

    I've been especially interested in following you. Congratulations on all your new projects!

    Abraços do Phoenix!


  4. Hi Ana Maria, I like Twitter for the same reasons that you, Carla, and Dennis mentioned! There are always lots of new things to learn and explore there. I had a lot of fun doing the survey for Blogging4Educators via Twitter! That's another reason I like Twitter; we can ask people in our network questions and get some valuable replies!

