May 31, 2008

The effect generator

This image was created with THE EFFECT GENERATOR. You can edit several images and create texts + effects to publish online. Watch the tutorials and get started, it´s quite cool!!!

Edit effect!

May 30, 2008


Found out about yesterday and wanted to try it out. This is the timeline I´ve created to illustrate my life. Quite interesting tool! Have a look, what do you think?
Another way of browsing it is clicking on FLIPBOOK at the bottom.

May 23, 2008

JOOCE : An online desktop

When I first heard of Jooce, I asked myself "Do I really need another internet toy?". And then as I tried out Jooce I suddenly saw how brilliant the idea of an online desktop is.

Whenever you use your computer at home where do you record your files? To your computer desktop. Where do you record your songs? Your photos? Then, when you go to work, there you go with your pendrive to take your files. Well, with Jooce it´s not necessary to carry stuff anymore, YOu have all your stuff online at your hands (provided you have internet access).

  • you have a private desktop and a public one which you can share with other Jooce users.
  • your msn and yahoo contacts are all concentrated in one desktop. YOu can talk to people from jooce.
  • It´s very easy to upload all kinds of files to your jooce desktop: word, ppt, mp3...
  • You can download videos from your computer or from Youtube with a single click and very QUICKLY.
This is how my public desktop looks. Wanna have a look at my files? Then join JOOCE and let´s share our files.

Watch this video about JOOCE

May 17, 2008

LWC session about Twitter

I´d like to invite language teachers who are interested in exploring web tools in education to join us in a session at the Yahoo Community "Learning with Computers" starting on 19th May.


The session is devoted to exploring one of the possibilities of microblogging: TWITTER . First join the "Learning with Computers" Communityand then follow the weekly tasks proposed in the wiki so that we can explore this tool together.

May 16, 2008

I´ve been memed!

Using Larry Ferlazzo´s words: “Meme” is a term used to describe a question or series of questions that a blogger asks another. Usually, a blogger “tags” several others to respond.

He asked me:

  • What was I doing 10 years ago?

I was living in Mato Grosso with my husband and children. I owned a English Language Institute there and was a teacher and director.

  • 5 things you have to do today.

Prepare my classes for next week, write a post in my blog, have a meeting with other coordinators, buy my father-in-law a present.

  • Snacks I enjoy…

I love Doritos(chips), yogurt, cereal bars, hot milk with cinnamon.

  • Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

I would travel abroad every year with my family to different exotic places, I would buy a new car right now, I would probably continue teaching but less hours, I would provide mom and dad with comfort for the rest of their lives.

  • Three of my bad habits:

Procrastinating things I don´t like doing, not drinking enough water, serving food twice.

  • 5 places I have lived:

I´ve lived in Tangará da Serra (Mato Grosso, Brazil), Wisconsin (USA), London, Paris and I live in Uberlandia (Brazil).

  • 5 jobs I have had:

Teaching English to small children, au pair in England, cashier at a shop in England, au pair in France, coordinating a language school.

  • 6 people I want to know more about:

Nina, Mary Hillis, Nelba Quintana, Camila Sousa, Joao Alves.

GLOGSTER making web-posters

A friend of mine, Lívia fernandes, found out about Glogster in Facebook and decided to try it out with a project for mother´s day. She asked students to write a short text about their moms, then she scanned the texts and made a poster with their work. It´s so cute!!!!

Click on the link to see the full image

Then as I wanted to try it out too, I made a present to e-colleagues of mine from the Learning with Computers community using Glogster.

Carla Arena after hearing about it also put her hands to work and created he own poster to send a message to her students.

Then yesterday, I came across this really cool glog made by photographer Jan von Holleben. It´s enchanting! Loved the photographs!

Besides being visually appealing it is so much fun making the posters! You can add images, videos, audio to preset cool templates.

  • You can publish your student´s work.
  • Students can make their own poster on an specific topic.
  • You can send messages to students.

May 1, 2008

ANIMATIONS for your blog and ppt presentations

I´d like to share some sites I came accross today while looking for cute animations for a ppt presentation I was preparing for next week.
This one is from Seven oaks art , just below.

Video: Daily routine (mime activity)

I´d like to share a video we made in class with basic 1 students after having learned verbs about daily routine. Each students mimed an action for our little video. We had great fun making it. Something simple. I used my digital camera to record the little films and then put everything together with Windows Movie Maker.