Dear Colleagues, we know contextualization is extremely important when teaching. This week I was looking for an online free video about Thailand to show my students and I found great videos that can be used in EFL and ESL classes. You can find them in YOUTUBE by typing "Discover countries GOOCLIP". The videos show different countries + narration, so you can both exploit the images and the audio. This is the one I chose for my class, it´s about Bangkok.
November 10, 2007
English Media Lab
I had already visited this site which offers lots of exercises and videos but a drawback I found was that I wasn´t able to enlarge the screen in order to use the videos in the classroom with my groups. Now, with the window media player format we CAN do that. Click on the video title you want, when the page has uploaded right-click with your mouse on the screen, choose ZOOM, whole screen and voilá you have the video to use in class. I believe you can´t download it though.
Why don´t you have a look? It´s really worth a visit.
Remember the videos can be found on the left sidebar.