June 30, 2007

Nice sites for EFL learners

I found these sites in Larry Ferlazzo's list of favourites.
Great tool for learners! You type the word or sentence you want, choose the accent and listen to the pronunciation. Fantastic! CLICK HERE and try it.

DOCH LISTS this site brings a list of words which when selected you can hear in a sentence (the voices are very cute)

SIGHT WORDS has various activities for beginner students. Very Good!

STARFALL very good for reading practice.
Try the CALENDAR story

You won't believe your eyes! An amazing site for learners for vocabulary and grammar practice.

very interesting. Try the different levels.


click on a word, hear how it's pronounced, see and hear the word in a sentence, see a picture and read an explanation.


vocabulary activities for kids

REALL LANGUAGES various soundspell games (memory game to be played by two people, very good!)

June 27, 2007


I had already used Springdoo but hadn't really explored all its features. The tutorials are very easy to understand. This is what you can do with springdoo.

- Springmail
- Springblog
- Springcast

And best of all, it's all for free! Fantastic!

June 24, 2007


How good is your memory? In this activity you look at a picture and then have to answer a question about it.

June 23, 2007

Medieval Helpdesk

Have you ever needed helpdesk? What do you do when you can't use a new system?
Watch this funny video and let's laugh at ourselves.

The Future is here

Watch this video of a new product created by Microsoft. "The Microsoft Surface" can be a revolution. Have a look. Do you think this new product will catch on? If it does, how do you think it will influence our lives?

June 22, 2007

INTERVIEW: The Internet

This is an interview with actor Stephen Fry where he talks about the internet today.
Great listening!

VideoJug: Stephen Fry: The Internet

June 15, 2007

Creating your own room

This is a room I've created. It's clean and simple. It's got a double bed with green covers, a brown wooden wardrobe and a bedside table. There's a big window.

Students can create rooms and describe them.

CLICK HERE to make your own room.

A dancing character

I had a great time making my own dancing character. Have a look!

You can create your own dancing character by CLICKING HERE.

New Source of Energy

This video is really interesting (specially if you like dancing :)

June 14, 2007

Text message

Do you know how to write text messages in English with the abbreviations everyone uses nowadays?
Here is an exercise to help you learn this kind of language.

June 7, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Another suggestion by Larry Ferlazzo: the BBC-Skillwise site. The exercises and games are very interesting!

This one was Libardo´s suggestion:

This site has a collection of links:

Now watch a cartoon from Grammarmancomic.com, SIMPLE PAST

June 5, 2007


This is a special day when we should stop and listen to our planet. Observe, feel the air, look around, hear what the planet has the say. Mônica, a teacher from Belo Horizonte, shared a very good video she found in YOUTUBE about the environment. A very cool video!


Do you know what they are? Watch these two films and learn about these interesting tools.

June 1, 2007

Online games

This game was suggested by Libardo, an online colleague. It´s very interesting and really gets you involved. Why not give it a go?
Play Win A Million at Online Games HQ